Computer Science Papers

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913 entries « 2 of 46 »

Kum, Hye-chung; Pathak, Darshana; Sanka, Gautam; Ahalt, Stanley

Privacy beyond anonymity Technical Report

no. 12-003, 2012.

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Kum, Hye-chung; Ahalt, Stanley

Privacy by Design for Secondary Data Analysis Technical Report

no. 12-002, 2012.

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Li, Peng; Gao, Debin; Reiter, Michael K

Mitigating Timing Channels in Clouds using StopWatch* Technical Report

no. 11-010R, 2012.

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Heorhiadi, Victor; Reiter, Michael K.; Sekar, Vyas

Balancing Computation-Communication Tradeoffs in Scaling Network-Wide Intrusion Detection Systems Technical Report

no. 12-001, 2012.

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Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Sixth Annual Report Interactive Graphics for Molecular Graphics System Technical Report

no. 80-015, 2012.

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Li, Peng; Gao, Debin; Reiter, Michael K.

StopWatch Technical Report

no. 11-010, 2011.

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Narain, Rahul

Visual Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Phenomena Technical Report

no. 11-009, 2011.

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Chandak, Anish; Antani, Lakulish; Manocha, Dinesh

Efficient Auralization for Moving Sources and Receiver Technical Report

no. 11-008, 2011.

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Wei, Lei; Reiter, Michael K.

Third-Party DFA Evaluation on Encrypted Files Technical Report

no. 11-005, 2011.

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Goswami, Dibyendusekhar; Monrose, Fabian; Frahm, Jan-Michael

"MAPS Technical Report

no. 11-004, 2011.

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Elliott, Glenn A.; Sun, Chi-Hao; Anderson, James H.

Real-Time Handling of GPU Interrupts in LITMUS Technical Report

no. 11-002, 2011.

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Elliott, Glenn A.; Anderson, James H.

An Optimal k-Exclusion Real-Time Locking Protocol Motivated by Multi-GPU Systems Technical Report

no. 11-003, 2011.

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Huang, Xin; Monrose, Fabian; Reiter, Michael

Amplifying Limited Expert Input to Sanitize Large Network Traces Technical Report

no. 11-001, 2011.

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Wei, Lei; Coull, Scott E.; Reiter, Michael K.

Bounded Vector Signatures and Their Applications Technical Report

no. 10-018, 2010.

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Pool, Jeff; Lastra, Anselmo; Singh, Montek

Arithmetic Circuits for Energy-Precision Tradeoffs in Mobile Graphics Processing Units Technical Report

no. 10-017, 2010.

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Gavaletz, Eric; Kaur, Jasleen

What happens when many probe for bandwidth simultaneously? Technical Report

no. 10-019, 2010.



Xu, Hao; Miao, William

A General Framework for Embedding Domain Specific Languages into Object-Oriented Programming Languages Technical Report

no. 10-015, 2010.

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Erickson, Jeremy; Guan, Nan; Baruah, Sanjoy

Addendum to Tardiness Bounds for Global EDF with Deadlines Different from Periods Technical Report

no. 10-014, 2010.

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Fuchs, Henry; Pizer, Stephen M.; Cohen, Jon S.; Brooks, Frederick P.

A Three-Dimensional Display for Medical Images from Slices Technical Report

no. 79-021, 2010.

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Stanat, Donald F.; Mago, Gyula A.

Optimal Storage Management in a Cellular Computer Technical Report

no. 81-006, 2010.

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913 entries « 2 of 46 »


Technical Reports produced by the Department of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

NOTE: All reports to which we have access have been made available here. Contact if you have problems downloading one of these reports.